Clovis hacked by fake presenter.
Clovis Monteiro, one of the most popular broadcasters in Brazil, is hacked on his program at Tupi FM in action at 11:21 for ecommerce Super Saudável Shopping.
Even before its end, the radio campaign provides a 61% increase.
On Tuesday, one of the most popular presenters of Brazilian radio, Clovis Monteiro, was presenting his daily morning program on the grid of the leading radio station in Rio de Janeiro when he was suddenly replaced by a fake Clovis Monteiro, a cheap copycat.
On top of that, the impersonator / hacker did not know some details of the life of the real presenter and made several mistakes, even being confronted by his fellow programmers. Bete, for example, from the “Good morning, Bete” chart, which gives tips on healthy living for those who have the condition, monitors glucose daily, noticed the invasion and denounced it.
The fake Clovis then left and the program ended. On Wednesday, the fake Clovis continued its invasion of the program and only on Thursday did the confusion clear up and the impostor unmasked.
Fake Clovis hacker unmasked.
On Thursday the real Clovis surprised the fake and managed to get it off the air forever and it was then that the action of Super Healthy Shopping was revealed and the true, first and only Clovis Monteiro declared that he is equal to the offers and products of the Super Healthy Shopping: you can't imitate.
From now on, throughout the month of June, this will be the concept in the testimonials of Super Healthy Shopping in the Clovis program: the offers and products of Super Saudável Shopping are unique, impossible to imitate.
On the second day of the radio action, the Super Saudável Shopping call center already registered a 61% increase in calls seeking health and wellness products announced.
Gustavo Bastos, CEO and CCO of 11:21, celebrates: “Creative Simplicity makes noise and the noise generates awareness, builds brands and increases sales dramatically”.