11:21 making noise for the Kzadores heroes.
Kzas presents the Kzadores campaign, a program that promises to revolutionize the real estate market by distributing financial rewards to people.

"You have the power to change the housing market." This is the slogan of the campaign created by the 11:21 agency for the launch of the Kzadores Program, which will remunerate ordinary people who contribute with information about properties in their neighborhoods or who indicate potential buyers, sellers and those interested in real estate financing.

With a Pop Art HQ language present in the graphic style of the pieces, the campaign concept is based on the universe of super heroes to highlight the super powers that the person gains when he becomes a Kzador. And like the heroes, the person does not change his life, does not leave his routine to be a Kzador, he continues with his "secret identity".

“No one knows a region better than its residents. And the Kzadores program is exactly that, the reflection of the eyes of those who live in the place, which now will be rewarded in an unprecedented way for its good indications ”, observes Allan Fonseca, CMO at Kzas, a digital real estate platform for buying, selling and financing real estate.

The pieces can be checked on digital platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Google. The proposal to arouse curiosity is present in all stages, such as in the launch, which shows a shirt being opened and in the clothes under the phrase “Programa Kzadores. You have the power to change the real estate market ”, and in the teaser, which brings a cannon of light illuminating the city sky with the“ K ”of Kzas and Kzadores and the so-called“ Kzas is summoning the Kzadores ”.

“Pop art is modern and classic, young and sophisticated, and passes on the concept of the powers you gain from one day to the next to change the market as a Kzador”, points out Gustavo Bastos, CEO and CCO of the agency.

Kzadores Program

Kzadores do not need to understand the real estate market, nor need to be brokers, let alone sell real estate. They just need to provide information and refer potential buyers and sellers to get to know the Kzas platform.
A Kzador can earn money just by referring, without having to sell anything. When registering for free, Kzador has access to several activities that generate financial rewards according to their relevance.

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