Voz das Comunidades 16 years, here is our homage.
We decided to post here the text of our CEO and CCO, Gustavo Bastos, addressed to the entire agency team on the 16 years of Voz das Comunidades (Voice of Communities in free translation), a news paper from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, our partner for 12 years.
“Twelve years ago, after following the so-called occupation of Complexo do Alemão, I followed the operation through the Twitter of Rene Silva, from Voz da Comunidade, who reported everything from the point of view of those inside, of the residents, in real time. . After that, we decided to get in touch with him and offer us to work, creating campaigns and supporting actions. TV Globo and other vehicles came together. Upon arriving at the agency, the even younger Rene said he would like the partnership, but wanted to know if we were really good, from a creative point of view. We are talking about the Gran Filee hamburger campaign. “I love this advertisement! Is it yours? So let's work ". And to this day, we proudly support the Voice of Communities, which turns 16 this week and has gained pluralism in its name because it has spread. I was very happy to see this article on Folha today and I wanted to share it with you.”
And so that the tribute is complete, here are some examples of campaigns that we created and aired, always with the partnership of vehicles and partner producers. The film “Weapon”, for example, was the first publicity film that became an Enem question. Enbem is the text people make to go to the colleges in Brazil. The films against homophobia and pedophilia were featured at the Cannes advertising festival, in the roll of social responsibility commercials. There is also the delicious movie “Gato” - means “cat”as they call the clandestine electrical connection in Brazil - which is worth seeing for its message and for the children.